Well the photos I'm about to post are a few of the items I have sold or kept for myself. Some of them (such as the ring) I've made several just like it because it seemed everyone wanted one.

These are actually mine. I made them as a present to myself for my birthday last year.
This is actually the only piece going on etsy later today.
This is a necklace I experimented with. It is made with carnelian beads, rootbeer color glass chips and gold chinese seed beads. It came out lovely and I wear a lot of this color so I kept it for myself.
I tend to make a lot of rings. People seem to not be able to get enough of them. I made 6 of these exact rings. Some in silver some in gold. I kept the last one, but I will be making more in the near future.
How it looks on my hand. Very bling bling!
This is a lovely small necklace I just made. I haven't decided if I like it enough to keep or if I should sell it. :)
Another look at the pendant.